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mr grady
S2 licensed
james allen......what a d*ck......some of his comments today were totally stupid.
i hope the bbc keep brundle and find someone else.

as for L H read them as his attempts at mind games, so either take his comments onboard or just ignore them.

im getting more and more p*ssed off with the pathetic attempts by the fia/stewards to gift that red team the title.
ive got to stop now............................
mr grady
S2 licensed
massa's fine is an insult.

time and time again that red team gets away with rule breaking.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :The precedet was set in the Gp2 race. You release in an unsafe position you get a drive through.

It seems one rule for some and one for rule for the others

so true, but im wondering if any gp2 cars were red and had such political clout.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :at the finish when he was doing the gesture when entering pits, there were some girls standing, i think it was : Call me babe

i think its like an old surfing gesture.........when we did it it meant "stoked".......happy, that kind of thing.
mr grady
S2 licensed
boring boring boring

great lunge from DC. nice guy, but pension day is close.

good speed from massa, but once again f*ckari have shown themselves to be fireproof.

ok, dont ruin the drivers wasn't his fault, but punish the team. imo, they should be docked constructors points.
mr grady
S2 licensed
thanks guys

i really,really appreciate all the advice, and the positive comments are a real tonic.

First Gig
mr grady
S2 licensed
In a couple of weeks time myself and some good mates from work will be playing our very first gig.

we are called fenton stack, and we cover such songs as Blur's "Song 2", Black Sabbath's "Paranoid", the Sex Pistols "Pretty Vacant " and Ramones "Blitzkrieg Bop".

if you want to hear what we sound like ive added a mp3 of us in practise covering Judas Priests "living after midnight" (our singer, kev was just shaking off a head cold, but he soldiered on like the trooper he is!)

fingers crossed for the big night, i know it will be a lot of fun, and you may see us in a pub near you soon!
mr grady
S2 licensed
thats a brilliant picture.

but it must have been as scary as hell seeing those cars coming towards him.

as for hamiltons attitude........where? i couldnt possibly call him smug or arrogant.

Main Entry:ar·ro·gance opWin(/cgi-bin/" target="_blank">Pronunciation: \ˈer-ə-gən(t)s, ˈa-rə-\ Function:noun Date:14th century : an attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or in presumptuous claims or assumptions

perhaps you are confusing it with confidence, and i agree, he has a lot of that.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from AMB :

And this is to all the Hamilton Haters on here, Hamilton absolutely killed the rest of the field, amazing start, amazing pace,

couldnt have put it better myself.

big ego? bad attitude?

nope.....i see a nice guy with shedloads of talent

all you hamilton knockers, im coming round your place and tieing you to a chair then putting on a looped tape of this GP......might be back in a few days.

what a race..........superb!
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :The thing about the Ferrari and FIA conspiracy theory is that it falls down on a few key points. Ferrari excluded Schumacher from the championship in 1997 for his move on Villeneuve (clearly the move was against the regs and he deserved to be punished but they could have just excluded him from that race - not from the entire championship). They also put him at the back of the grid at Monaco in 2006 - the most difficult track to pass on in the calendar when he was going for his 8th world championship. They could have ruled it was a racing incident if they wanted to - they would have if the conspiracy theories were true. The only real piece of "good luck" Ferrari got was when Alonso was penalised for holding up Massa in quali Italy 2006 but we've since seen that penalty applied for the same offence numerous times.

load of old b******s

the 97 season meant nothing to scumaster and ****arri because they didnt win the it wasnt a punishment. they should have excluded him from the NEXT season, that would have hurt!
as for the monaco qualy incident, if anyone else had parked on the track, and he did park it..........they would had been D/Q and rightly so.
and dont even mention the alonso/massa incident...that was a complete and utter joke!
also, remember the 5mm bargeboards on the red cars? being too big? can you inagine another team getting away with that in a sport where micromillimeters count?
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Stigpt :

Then its the last overtaking position is the last bend before the kerbchicane - classic place, just go down the inside and hope your not overtaking David Crashhard.

dont get me wrong, but thats bloody funny. ive enjoyed watching old chinguard racing over the years, but now he is becoming the racing version of Monty Python's Black Knight.

mr grady
S2 licensed
thats terrible............thoughts go out to his friends, family and loved ones.

but what i find really disturbing is the title and a few of the comments, there are some very "strange" people in this world.

all in all, a sad day for motorsport.

mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Wow, Sutil is able to once again keep his streak of not starting last alive. I have a feeling this will be the most boring race of the season.

i fear you are right
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :There's always talk of strategies like that whenever a championship contender has a bad grid spot, but it never happens. Even Schumacher didn't get service like that.

dont you remember irvine being fuelled very light, if i remember right, at suzuka.....getting in the lead, holding the others up then "swapping" places with schum...........'97 if my memory serves me right.
mr grady
S2 licensed
just an idea.........

will mclaren run kov light in qualy to get him ahead of the ferraris? and thus let him control the pace while hammy fights through the field?

mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :Part of racing is to observe and read the situation. Of cause, this can't be done every single time, but you'll find that loads of incidents can be avoided easily this way.

...or - simply back off. If you know or suspect T1 issues, then just wait. I've won several positiosn by braking much earlier, at safe area (no other car up my bum) etc etc, and then come through with a Dr. Evil laugh.

mostly i can expect or accept a T1 wreck, but the straw on my camels back was leading and getting t-boned by a tosspot who didnt even attempt to brake for a 2nd or 3rd gear corner and taking me out........then not even saying sorry.
im half tempted to post a vid of it, just to name and shame the little *as*ard!
Give up
mr grady
S2 licensed
I think ive finally had enough.

trying to race on conedodgers1 tonight, you either get hit in the ass by a backmarker when you are leading or rammed by some dickhead who thinks the race is won at the first corner.

i was going to buy a G25, but the thought of spending that much money only to waste time dealing with complete ****s is now very much on the backburner.

been fun guys.
mr grady
S2 licensed
my two cents.......

i always felt that the first film was a classic.........even though the story was action/adventure, it was still "believeable".

maybe its because im getting on now, but the 2nd and third indy films didnt grab me, but they were oscar nomination material compared to the utter crap that i watched a few days ago.

IMO lucas shouldnt be allowed to go anywhere near a movie script, look how he murdered the last few star wars films..........and even one of the leading actors in a tv interview basically said the films were shite!

sure, go and see indy and the whatnot thingy, but ffs leave your brain at home, which apart from the odd film now is a requirement when you see a movie now.
mr grady
S2 licensed
i got to agree that it was badly run, my only complaint was with the SC......i managed to rearend it when it joined the track right on a bend and i couldnt avoid it. most didnt seem to know what to do when it did join the track, and tbh i didnt see the need for it.
only other gripe was backmarkers.....and i did read the rules about them keeping to the racing line, but in some cases they would try and get onto the line when you were on it! a recipe for disaster........if you are being lapped just get the hell out of the way in my book!
mr grady
S2 licensed
interesting race...........wonder i got sidelined right at the start,,as in taken off the grid...?
so dead last, but got up to 3rd, due to discos and hacked offf eloow racers!
touched some grass and spun, collected another car.soz for that , had another off and my car was dead.
sorry for the SC incident........tbh, i dont think many knew what was going on there.
mr grady
S2 licensed
if there are places left for a in. sounds a great event!
Last edited by mr grady, .
mr grady
S2 licensed
nice one!

yeah, you cant sing for toffee, but nor can i (see vid where i do vocals due to singer being laid up with bad back - not bloody likely!!).......but the lyrics are funny and it made a lot of folks smile, so good on you!
help with skins
mr grady
S2 licensed
hi guys
first, apologies if this has been posted before, or its such a simple thing that i look such a dumbass!

i enjoy doing (basic) skins using psp8.
sometimes it all goes easy, other times i am frustrated beyond belief!

my main problem is pasting something onto the skin/car, where i want just the actual image, say i have a red cross on a white background, i cut, paste as a transparent object and hey presto, i have just the red cross to paste onto the car.............but i cant always get that to happen, and sometimes i have the background as well. i hope im making sense here.........can anyone explain what i need to do?

many thanks
mr grady
S2 licensed i laughed at that photo!!!!!

nice one Michael Denham...........good shout!
mr grady
S2 licensed
whats the problem with this?

i mean, a good hard spanking never hurt no one

ron dennis must be popping champangue corks like they are going out of fashion............good riddance to max, smarmy git!